
科目 Constructive Controversy 
開講科目群 地民 
履修 選択 
年次 2~4年次 
開講科目ID GLGC4000 
開講期・曜日・時限 後期 木曜日 2時限

松井 ケティ(マツイ ケティ)


Appraising arguments in a structured way to achieve a positive outcome. 
Students will learn that controversy and disagreement can be constructive by developing a receptive mindset and follow the right approach. Students will learn to make better decisions based on good reasoning and consideration for other perspectives and views. Constructive controversy is a way of testing solutions and understanding various factors involved in decision making.
Constructive controversy involves deliberative discussions aimed at creative problem solving. It can be contrasted to debate (a competitive process where one view "wins" over the other).
Controversies are common in daily life. Disagreement is more likely to be constructive (as opposed to destructive) when they occur in a cooperative context. Students will learn to be skillful collaborators. By learning the norms of cooperation and the rules of rational argumentation, students will be able to develop necessary skills that include criticizing ideas not people, and being able to take another's perspective. 
Whether this class will be
conducted all in English (yes/no)
Problem-solving learning method
is used in class (yes/no)
There are discussions/debates
in class (yes/no)
There are group works in class
There are presentations in class
There are
practices in class (yes/no)
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. To understand the nature of intellectual conflict
2. To understand the constructive controversy procedure to structure and manage intellectual conflicts.
3. To collaborate skillfully and follow the norms of cooperation and the rules of rational argumentation.
4. To develop necessary skills to criticize ideas not people.
5. To take another's perspective.
6. To develop the best possible case for the assigned position, and present that case to the audience.
7. To discuss options and challenge other's cases to strengthen their own rationales.
8. To review the best arguments for all the options and reach a decision by consensus.
9. To produce solutions and display high-level reasoning and greater mastery and retention of new knowledge gained.
10. To generate high quality, creative solutions.
11. To reflect on the decision-making process and improve future performance. 
Course Plan
第1回 Introduction to Constructive Controversy and Definition of Controversy 
第2回 Concept of Constructive Controversy. Debate vs Constructive Controversy 
第3回 Conditions Determining the Constructiveness of Controversy 
第4回 Quality of Decision Making and Problem Solving 
第5回 Circumstances and Strategies 
第6回 Application of Constructive Controversy: Community Issues. Assign an advocacy team to each of the various possible courses of action. Each team develops the best possible case for their assigned position and presents that case to the whole group. The group then turns to open discussion of the options. Teams challenge other's cases and seek to strengthen their own rationales. 
第7回 Constructive controversy then requires next that "advocacy teams reverse perspectives and positions by presenting one of the opposing positions as sincerely and forcefully as they can
In the final decision-making stage, all group members drop their advocacy, review the best arguments for all the options, and reach a decision by consensus. The group may then reflect on how the decision-making process went, and how future performances could be improved. 
第8回 Each group present orally the process, findings, procedure of reaching consensus, creative solutions. Hand in group paper to report process, consensus, and creative solutions. Reflection and Review. 
第9回 Application of Constructive Controversy: National Issues. Repeat process from class 6. 
第10回 Application of Constructive Controversy: National Issues. Repeat process from class 7. 
第11回 Application of Constructive Controversy: National Issues. Repeat process from class 8. Reflection and Review 
第12回 Application of Constructive Controversy: Global Issues. Describe the controversial issue. Introduce the background/history of the issue. List stakeholders and present the roles. Pick out from the different viewpoints the elements combined from the various roles. 
第13回 Come up with a solution regarding treatment of the issue. In the decision-making stage, review the best arguments for all the options, and reach a decision. Having researched each position, the group may then reflect on how the decision-making process went, and how future performances could be improved. 
第14回 Preparation of group paper and presentation. Share within group research and analysis of the problem. Support argument by citation and references. 
第15回 Student Presentation and Discussion of the process described in classes 12 and 13. 
What Students
are expected
to do
outside of the class
Read assigned materials and prepare for class as instructed in the course syllabus, which will be given on the first day of class. Students also need to fulfill assignments instructed during class. 
Students will be evaluated on attendance, homework, class participation, presentation and written report. 
Feedback methods on assignments
Feedback will be given electronically by email. 
English Placement result Level 3 or 4. 
to be used,
if any
必ず読まなければならない本や文献(購入する必要はないが、図書館等で参照を要するテキスト)Required books or materials (No purchase necessary, but students need to refer to them at places like libraries.)
読むことを推奨する本や文献(購入する必要はないが、図書館等で参照を要するテキスト)Recommended books or materials, if any. (No purchase nesessary, but students need to refer to them at places like libraries.)
the text book,
if any
Reading materials are collected by the students to fulfill their advocacy and position. 
更新日付 2019-01-19 01:14:59.1